Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Independent Finland!

6th of December is the Finnish Independence Day, 99 years ago 1917 Finland gained it's independence. For a Finn living outside Finland, the independence day brings in mind all the good things about Finland and why Finland is one of the best countries in the world.

Reason to put some lipstick on! ;)
We spend our independence day with the other Finns who live here. Our Honorary Consul invited everybody to a dinner on the occasion of the 99th Anniversary of the Independence Day of Finland. Violins were playing the national anthem of Finland and the food was so good!

Our menu for this evening!
Finnish flag cake, nobody wants to get the blue parts as they may be coloring your mouth!
Starters were tasty!

Finland is among the world’s top countries according to a range of international measures. Studies have shown that Finland is among the best performers in the world based on criteria such as honesty, innovation, literacy, success in education and opportunities for girls. We have also been deemed the world's most stable country. This provides a strong starting point for celebrating our independence.
-Sauli Niinistö, President of the Republic of Finland 
(Message from the President of the Republic of Finland to Finnish expatriate communities on 6 December 2016)

Finland is the best!:
  1. Finland is the most progressive country in the world
  2. Finland is the greenest country in the world
  3. Finland is one of the best countries for girls
  4. Finland is the most stable country in the world
  5. Finland is the safest country in the world
  6. Finland has the best governance in the world
  7. Finland’s judicial system is the most independent in the world
  8. Finland has the least organised crime in the world
  9. Finland is the best country in protecting fundamental human rights in the world
  10. Finland has the smallest difference in the employment rates of women and men in EU countries
  11. Finland has the most human capital in the world
  12. Finland's primary education is the best in the world
  13. Finland has the most forests in Europe
  14. Finns drink most coffee per person in the world
  15. .....

Today I'm so proud to be a Finn! Happy Anniversary Finland!
